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T-Ring NFT ~

More than a User,
Become a Member with the T-Ring NFT

Un anneau unique. Au doigt de votre âme digitale le T-Ring transformera votre expérience.

  • -100%

    Level 0

    Sold Out - Free

  • -95%

    Level 1

    Sold Out - 1€

  • -90%

    Level 2

    Sold Out - 2€

  • -85%

    Level 3

    Sold Out - 5€

  • -80%

    Level 4

    Quantity: null/166 - 10€

  • -75%

    Level 5

    178/178 - 20€

  • -xxxxx%

    Level 6

    Quantity: xxxxx/xxxxx- xxxxxx

  • -xxxxx%

    Level 6

    Quantity: xxxxx/xxxxx- xxxxxx


Lifetime Discounts.
Each T-Ring has a grade. The sooner you own one, the higher the level of your T-Ring. Depending on your T-Ring's level, you will enjoy lifetime discounts on future releases.
Free Subscription.
With the T-Ring, you will have priority access to the c0loria app's premium subscription. One year of free subscription (€99.90 value).
Decision Power.
Discover the powers of the ring. As an owner, you will have the opportunity to decide the fate of the c0lorians. With your ring, you can vote and take part in c0loria's decisions.
500 CLRpixel Gifted.
By purchasing a T-Ring, you are automatically credited with 500 CLRpixel, the in-game currency of c0loria.


on your avatar*

*with T-Ring level 4
